Monday, June 25, 2007

Venus vs. Mars

I don't believe that men are better chefs than women, nor do I believe women override men. Women do, however, tend to serve up fare that's distinctly more comforting, more soul-satisfying than men, who, as it states in this great article, like to show off a little (or a lot) more, i.e. Grant Achatz and Ferran Adria. Not to say that this is all bad; we need insane restaurants. There are exceptions to the rule, of course: more robust women that pack a wallop, and men with a slightly more feminine touch. And I think that these more, how shall I say, delicate men make food as satisfying as a grandmother's, plus a bit of artfulness. Bradley Ogden and Dennis Leary come to mind, and even I prefer to prepare more humble cuisine. "Mama Food."

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